CASTE SYSTEM IN INDIA

The caste system in India had become a part of each and every person’s life if you need any certificate you need to mention your caste even own talent of us will be thrown in the garbage when caste crosses path with you. But do you know how and when this caste system entered between us, let’s discuss that today?

 It is said that CASTE SYSTEM had entered 3000 years ago in our country. According to our Puranas (Old Scripts), Lord Brahma has created these caste systems by dividing people according to their profession. This chat shows us how everyone is divided into caste with respect to their profession. But as years passed people of higher caste started treating lower caste people very badly because of domination they stopped lower caste people having an equal right to them like they are not allowed to study with higher caste people, they should always work as servants to them and this system is continued for years and years.

After independence many people started to protest against it and bought somewhat improvement in this system and now we are still having this caste system with us but the difference is in olden days higher caste people have got all the power but now the lower caste got the powers and started to be in high positions and get extra chances to be in every competition though this system is continued to encourage everyone to make their future bright so that past superstitions can be removed and everyone will be equal but some people are making use of them in their selfish way by using it as a shortcut.

 To bring equality we should remove this system completely but should not highlight them in name of development. This article is written to express my views and knowledge but not to hurt anyone and not to create disputes please understand my thought beside making controversy.


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