We all know about THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA or CHINESE WALL but how many of us know that’s its original name is “Wan Li Chang Cheng” or “10,000-Li-Long Wall”. But how many of us know that its world’s longest commentary. Now let’s get into facts that make you surprised.
It is said that it was constructed more than 2,300 years ago. But the truth is its still being constructed at some parts.

The Great Wall of China is a connected wall of various straight, zigzag, straight walls which were built to protect their territories of different kings. But not a continuous wall as written in records as a long wall and that’s the reason it took 200 years to construct but in real it took only 20 years to fill the gap of those walls.

We all know that it is a longest wall but in fact it is a longest cemetery which contains 1 million workers body who spent their life working for that in past many women whose husbands got buried there broke the wall and found many skeletons.

We all know that it was mainly built for military and security purpose but the main reason behind it was that emperors wanted to make their people stay in their country without leaving.

The great wall of china which has been known as one of 7 wonders because of being longest wall and also it can be seen from space but as a recent discovery when astronauts have traveled to space they have tried to the wall but failed which proves that it can’t be seen in real.

Their used to be a story that a dragon which used to protect the kingdom showed the way to their architectures to build the wall to help them protect their kingdom.

In truth the wall is still been constructing at some places which means it does not completely belong to history.

As years passed almost 1/3rd of the total wall disappeared.

It mainly contained 3 parts passes, watchtowers and walls.

The workers who helped in construction are almost 20 million people. Criminals were forced into labor as punishment. They were required to serve four years of hard labor according to laws at that time.

To make soldiers feel happy and settled they even arranged widows for soldiers to marry them. They used to trap soldiers with these and make them work till death you can find millions of dead bodies buried in the wall of china.

Workers who died during construction are buried in the walls of china with a belief that their souls will serve them by protecting wall and country even after death.

Sometimes, all the men in the nation were forced to construct. For instance, during the Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern dynasties (around 265-589), even children had to join this project.

Due to their force working method no men were engaged in farming, women were frightened to have a boy. The king being very cruel he wanted no one to leave his kingdom and only serve him took this decision.

The mortar used to bind the stones was made out of rice flour which often used to say they were made of human’s bones.

The mortar used to bind the stones was made out of rice flour which often used to say they were made of human’s bones.

Though these are some facts about the wall of china there are still many mysterious buried along with those soldiers in the wall. Hope you enjoy reading the article
Source of information: Internet.


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