
Showing posts from August, 2017


                                        CASTE SYSTEM IN INDIA The caste system in India had become a part of each and every person’s life if you need any certificate you need to mention your caste even own talent of us will be thrown in the garbage  when caste crosses path with you. But do you know how and when this caste system entered between us, let’s discuss that today?  It is said that CASTE SYSTEM had entered 3000 years ago in our country. According to our Puranas (Old Scripts), Lord Brahma has created these caste systems by dividing people according to their profession.   This chat shows us how everyone is divided into caste with respect to their profession. But as years passed people of higher caste started treating lower caste people very badly because of domination they stopped lower caste people having an equal right to them like they are not allowed to study with higher caste people, they should always work as servants to them and this system is continu


  We all know about THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA or CHINESE WALL but how many of us know that’s its original name is “ Wan Li Chang Cheng ” or “ 10,000-Li-Long Wall ”. But how many of us know that its world’s longest commentary. Now let’s get into facts that make you surprised. It is said that it was constructed more than 2,300 years ago. But the truth is its still being constructed at some parts . The Great Wall of China is a connected wall of various straight, zigzag, straight walls which were built to protect their territories of different kings. But not a continuous wall as written in records as a long wall and that’s the reason it took 200 years to construct but in real it took only 20 years to fill the gap of those walls. We all know that it is a longest wall but in fact it is a longest cemetery which contains 1 million workers body who spent their life working for that in past many women whose husbands got buried there broke the wall and found many skeletons. We


In India we often see many animals roaming on road like dogs, cats, cows, buffaloes and sometimes, pigs and sleeping on paths. Sometimes, we pity them and sometimes we get irritated because they sometimes act like spoil spot in our way.  But in real only few people think about only few care about their hungry, their shelter. By this article I want to make people realize about animal feelings. WHAT KINDS OF ANIMALS ARE LEFT ALONE? We see many street dogs roaming here there those are dogs which have not yet got vaccination because these dogs are not yet done their vaccination they are treated as harmful dogs. We also see many cats these also belong to same troop where no one cares for them because sometimes their owners dies or leave them because of financial or some other problems like too large in size and so they move on living here and there. Now other animals like cows and pigs they are left because they may be not useful to us and some cows are abounded because they are no


                                                                           KNOWLEDGE V/S EDUCATION Today I want to share a one of my thought what I have been thinking all these years about education and now I want you to hear my words as yours. How many times in your life you thought “why should I go school/college to learn these things when I can easily understand by browsing internet or by watching a video?” and thought to bunk the class that I can learn it from online tutorial sites but end up with those traditional dialogues from our family and surroundings but still want to know why these colleges and schools are founded and it is mandatory to attend the colleges to become a successful person in life .                                                                                                                                                   To get the answer for the first question why these educational institutes are established I have done somewhat information gat