KNOWLEDGE V/S EDUCATION

Today I want to share a one of my thought what I have been thinking all these years about education and now I want you to hear my words as yours. How many times in your life you thought “why should I go school/college to learn these things when I can easily understand by browsing internet or by watching a video?” and thought to bunk the class that I can learn it from online tutorial sites but end up with those traditional dialogues from our family and surroundings but still want to know why these colleges and schools are founded and it is mandatory to attend the colleges to become a successful person in life.
                                                                                                                                                  To get the answer for the first question why these educational institutes are established I have done somewhat information gathered about that. Do you know that full form of a student is STUDY TENANT means a person who is renting in a place of study(schools, 
college etc..).
Now let’s time travel to past where there are no technologies and no internet but some written scripts and paintings in that period only few people are left who knows 
the exact knowledge on arts and various scripts while some learned them from   their ancestors and some who still follows those at that time to make people aware of these things and keep all those knowledge alive without getting demolished some scholars started to think and thought to set a place where a lot people can come and learn all these in one place beside being dumb about these things and that’s how schools started.
As time passed few people came out with their inventions and discoveries authorities with a thought of getting new inventions ordered that also these discoveries should be shared with students so that if a new idea blossom in their mind it will give an invention out and in those days because of no online video teaching, student have to attend a lecture to get the matter straight into brain with some hints and that’s how it’s all started. And now with great development of technology we have got many online tutorials to study and many books written which we can read online to get knowledge should we have to attend college. I don’t understand why parents prefer to make their children study online with web tutorials but to spend much money on schools where teachers start teaching with same videos in name of so called “DIGITAL EDUCATION”, while both providing certificates and even government takes board exam for both regular and occasional. Can anyone answer that?
And I also have a query why people end up saying “you have to study some technical stuff to get a good job and become a millionaire but not on this waste spots and music you should choose them only as hobbies not as career there is only one Sachin Tendulkar and only one zakir hussain so be and software and earn money but they miss the point that there is only one Bill gates and only one Dhirubai Ambani and in fact they didn’t attend college like us they just have will and hard work with them. Can people who says these words guarantee us that we will be at their position after our study in my view EDUCATION GIVES US A WAY TO MOVE FORWARD BUT NOT WAY TO SUCCESS BUT KNOWLEDGE AND DEDICATION DOES. So from this what I want to share is if anyone wants to get knowledge focus on that but not about the place to focus that.  


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